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Porvoon ateria- ja puhtauspalvelut

About us

The establishment Porvoo tilapalvelut was founded in 1.1.2011 with the goal of providing the municipality with food, cleaning and facility services.

1.1.2023, the establishment was re-branded as Porvoo Food and Cleaning Services (in Finnish, Liikelaitos Porvoon ateria- ja puhtauspalvelut). We provide Porvoo municipality with food and cleaning services. Our biggest clients are within the Growth and Learning Sector. We have a lot of co-operation and common goals with schools and day-care facilities.

The establishment’s board of directors and management have regular meetings. Our CEO is Leila Korhonen.

Our turnover is about 12,5 MEUR (2023).

We employ 180 people.

We want to provide our customers with delicious meals and clean spaces. We care about ensuring a smooth, tasty, healthy and safe daily life for Porvoo citizens. In our operations, we adhere to four principles – Togetherness, Courage, Reaponsibility and Mutual Respect.