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Porvoon ateria- ja puhtauspalvelut

Development and communication

It’s important to take time out of your day for meals!

Foodservices want to keep children and youths of Porvoo fed and support their well-being. A meal is not just about food. The environment, time and allotted time all ensure a good meal. We co-operate with different municipal actors to make meals as pleasent as possible.

Porvoo Food services are a pioneer in climate work, and we want to keep up with sustainability developments. Our goal is to promote a positive attitude towards food and eating, and to support a balanced and healthy diet.

We train our employees and develop our operations constantly. For instance, we arrange a yearly convention for our employer where we get together to learn. A summery event with partners is a great way to learn new things!


Give us feedback and let us know where we can improve.