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Porvoon ateria- ja puhtauspalvelut

Porvoo Stew

Porvoo Stew, for six


2 tbsp butter for searing the meat

800 g strips of Finnish beef

2 dl whipping cream

2 tsp onion powder

1 tsp coarse ground black pepper

1 tsp salt

1 beef stock cube

2 tbsp soy sauce

250 g Koskenlaskija processed cheese ( Ruoka & Dippi)

120 g smetana

4 dl water

3 tbsp corn starch

  1. Heat the butter in a pan and sear the meat until the strips are brown throughout. Add the seared meat and the cube of beef stock to a pot. Season with salt and pepper, then add water to the pot. Cover the pot, and let simmer for 1,5 hours at 120°C.
  2. Measure the smetana and Koskenlaskija cheese. Add some of the cream and stir until the mixture is combined. Then add the rest of the cream, soy sauce, onion powder and corn starch. Mix until combined.
  3. Pour the stock into the pot and mix. Simmer for half an hour at 120°C.