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Porvoon ateria- ja puhtauspalvelut

Recommended diet

Did you know? The energy expenditure of a sporty or growing youth can be quite high. It is important to make sure your intake of nutrients and energy is high in relation to expenditure.

The plate model

The plate model helps you put together a good meal.

Fill half of the with vegetables, for example grated and cooked vegetables and salads. Vegetables provide you with vitamins, they keep you alert and help keep healthy.

Potatoes, rice, pasta or other grain-based products should make up a quarter of your plate. These carbohydrates fuel your activities and hobbies.

One fourth is left for fish, meat and eggs, or vegtable substitutes. These food groups help you grow.

Drink water, fat-free milk or buttermilk with your meal. Having enough to drink keeps you alert.

A good meal also includes bread with spread. The organs need unsaturated fats to function properly.

Portion size recommendations are individual. Feel free to go for seconds!