Municipal day-care centers (read in Finnish)
There are 21 municipal day-care centers in Porvoo.
Early childhood services for children under school age.
After the parental benefit period, parents can choose to care for their child from the following options:
If there is a child under the age of 3 in the family, you can apply for home child care allowance.
Children cared for at home and their families can access open early childhood education services without losing allowance for home child care.
In the municipal day-care center or family day-care.
The child is issued a service voucher for a private day-care center approved by the municipality.
The service provider is a company or organization.
The city official oversees the operation.
Apply for a place directly with a private family daycare provider who works in their own home.
The child is granted a private care allowance and a municipal supplement from Kela.
At a nanny’s home approved by the municipal.
Contact the service coordinator for more information.
The child is granted a private care allowance and a municipal supplement.
The family is as an employer, and the caregiver works in the family home.
A nanny will be approved by the municipal.
If the nanny cares for children from more than one family, one family acts as the employer.
If possible, municipal daycare centers also organize temporary early childhood education lasting a maximum of one week. Payments are not income-related. The price for temporary daycare from August 1, 2024 is 20 euros for a day of care of less than 5 hours, and 28 euros for a day of care of more than 5 hours. Temporary early childhood education can be requested directly from the kindergarten.