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Gam­mel­backa chil­dren’s day­care cen­tre

Multicultural Finnish-language early childhood education and pre-school education for 1–6-year olds. Other premises in Opintie and Pääskytien koulu.

The direct phone numbers of the groups are available for the kindergarten’s customers on the DaisyFamily Bulletin board.

Gammelbacka Kindergarten offers early childhood education in Finnish in four groups of children and pre-school education in two groups. Culture and sports are key themes in our activities.

From August 2024 four new groups of children have started in other premises at Opintie 1, 06400 Porvoo.

The children’s own thoughts, wishes and feelings provide the starting point for the activities. We respect and value each other. We want to create an atmosphere for children where every child can feel unique and important.