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Porvoo Triennial: Ida Koitila, Roger Metto, Emma Tryti, Anna Nyberg, Mattias Hellberg

  • 01.09.2024 - 01.09.2024
  • 10:00 - 16:00

Porvoo Triennial at the Gallery Vanha Kappalaisentalo June 20 – September 1, 2024:

Ida Koitila,
Gallery Vanha Kappalaisentalo
Ida Koitila is a visual artist working in Hanko and Berlin. She often creates her art work through materials, choosing them according to the content, and is persistent and consistent in her approach. Three-dimensional form and space are frequently combined with natural materials, as seen in her work for the Porvoo Triennial, which she has specially designed for Gallery Vanha Kappalaisentalo.

Roger Metto,
Gallery Vanha Kappalaisentalo
Roger Metto works on paintings of a disapppearing city. Kiruna is given a new space at the expence of an old Kiruna. Powerlessly, the residents stand by, unable to do anything as the mine is the reason the town existed in the first place. What will remain, what will be discarded, and how will the new space in the mountains, underground, and human areas be coordinated?

Emma Tryti, Gallery Vanha Kappalaisentalo
Emma Tryti is a visual artist working in Sollentuna, Stockholm. Her works combine painting, sculpture, and installation, often featuring subjects that are combinations of flora and fauna. Watercolor has always been a part of her work, creating fascinating world and personal space that offers us a different perception.

Anna Nyberg, Courtyard – Gallery Vanha Kappalaisentalo, June 20- July 1
Anna Nyberg takes the entire space as a colorful three-dimensional painting to wander into, painting in space, installation painting. It is a color explosion outside the frame. Due to natural forces, the work was time-bound and viewable between June 20 and July 1, 2024.

Mattias Hellberg, Courtyard Building – Gallery Vanha Kappalaisentalo
Mattias Hellberg explores what happens when our personal space and need to express ourselves occur in public spaces (such as dancing ”overly frenetic” in public when it´s not Friday night!) Mattias primarily works with performance, video, and installation. Mattias takes possession of one of the barracks and installs himself and new video works.


The exhibitions at Gallery Vanha Kappalaisentalo have received a state grant from the Finnish Heritage Agency.
Open Tuesday-Sunday 10AM-4PM, closed June 21-22.
Free entry.


The Porvoo Triennial is an urban festival of visual art held every three years. It is based on partnership and community. At the heart of the event are art exhibitions set in different parts of the city. The Triennial brings together many well-known visual artists from around the world. At the Triennial, contemporary art comments the city´s temporal and functional layers. It confronts and challenges the viewer in everyday life, even in unexpected situations.

This time, art conquers the urban space under the title Space is a Common Thing.  The theme is widely discussed from different perspectives: nature, environment, humanity, society, community, individuality and different structures. Contemporary art contains diverse and critical positions on the state of nature and the search for extremes.

The artistic director of the event is visual artist Petri Hytönen and the curator is the Swedish artist John Rasimus from Falun.

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