How to get in contact
The Porvoo employment area includes the cities and municipalities of Askola, Lapinjärvi, Loviisa, Myrskylä, Porvoo and Pukkila. You can meet the employment authority at the premises of Porvoo Employment Services or at the service points of the employment area’s other municipalities. Online services are available around the clock, every day of the week.
Job Market Finland (Työmarkkinatori)
Online services
Porvoo Employment Area
Visiting address of the Porvoo office: Linnankoskenkatu 20, 06100 Porvoo. Open weekdays 9–16
The employment authority provides statutory employment services in all the cities and municipalities of our employment area.
Customer service
Porvoo Employment Area’s customer guidance
Open between 9 am and 12 noon / between 1 pm and 4 pm
Employer services in the Porvoo Employment Area
Open between 9 am and 4 pm
Service points in the Porvoo employment area
Customer service, on weekdays between 9 am and 4 pm
Porvoo Employment Area
Linnankoskenkatu 20, 06100 PorvooOther service points (on specific weekdays by appointment)
Askola, Kohtaamo. Service day: Monday
Askolantie 33, 07500 AskolaLapinjärvi Town Hall. Service day: Tuesday
Lapinjärventie 20 A, 07800 LapinjärviLoviisa Health Center. Service day: Wednesday
Öhmaninkatu 4, Ovi C2, 2. krs, 07900 LoviisaMyrskylä, Voimala. Service day: Thursday
Virastotie 7 B, 07600 MyrskyläPukkila, Wellbeing Center Onni. Service day: Thursday
Onnintie 3, 07650 PukkilaNational guidance services (KEHA)
National customer and guidance services will start on 1 January 2025 as a result of the new tasks assigned to the KEHA Centre and the implementation of the TE services reform.
From 1 January 2025 onwards, the KEHA Centre will provide customer and guidance services. You will find the contact information on the Instructions and support page on the Työmarkkinatori-service.
Instructions and support are available on the following topics:
Personal customers
- General guidance on employment and unemployment security matters
- Advice and guidance related to internationality
- Guidance on the payment of allowances and government aid
For companies and employers
- Public business and employer services and obligations
- Establishment of companies
- Guidance for companies facing financial difficulties
- Employer guidance on international recruitment
- Guidance on the payment of allowances and government aid
For authorities
- Legal support of employment authorities and other guidance and support services, including through the Tuutti service
- Support of municipalities and other actors promoting integration
- Cooperation requiring the involvement of authorities in matters related to the jobseeking and unemployment benefits of personal customers