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Information about safety and emergency planning by individuals

It is recommended that all Finnish households prepare for different types of incidents. Emergency planning improves safety, supports an individual during incidents and brings peace of mind.

This page contains information on how you can prepare for potential incidents and abnormal conditions. You will also find links to information on both material preparedness as well as support for mental resilience in times of crisis.

Questions and answers

Where are the civil defence shelters located in Porvoo?

Civil defence shelters are located in larger housing companies and workplaces and are available to the residents and workers. Civil defence shelters also exist in public spaces, such as schools and daycare centres. These sites must also have emergency plans, including plans for the deployment of the shelters. If needed, civil defence shelters will be deployed by decision and instruction of the authorities.

Smaller housing companies and detached houses do not typically have civil defence shelters. Porvoo, like the rest of Eastern Uusimaa, does not have civil defence shelters for general use. This is, however, nothing to be worried about. In most cases, sheltering indoors is sufficient. Instructions about sheltering indoors can be found in the 72-hours preparedness guide.

If necessary, emergency services will ensure that the population is sheltered, for instance, by moving (evacuating) residents to safe areas or by ensuring shelter in nearby areas.

How has Porvoo prepared for potential hazardous situations?

The City of Porvoo has prepared for incidents and abnormal conditions by anticipating, planning and practising, through multidisciplinary cooperation with different authorities and nearby municipalities. The municipality has a high level of preparedness.

The incidents we prepare for can be caused, for instance, by widespread blackouts or water system failures, major accidents, natural disasters, cyberattacks, pandemics or targeted threats, as well as worsening security situation.

Where can I find information about emergency planning by individuals?

The 72 hours recommendations by authorities and organisations contains comprehensive information. Home preparedness is of great benefit.

I’m feeling worried, what should I do?

Our reactions to difficult things are individual. The news may paint a threatening picture of current events around the world, but you should remember that at the moment Finland is not under a direct military threat. Trust information only when it is from a credible source, such as the official websites of the municipality, emergency services or other authorities.

It is worth remembering that on social media in particular, a lot of non-factual information gets spread. Do not believe or share rumours. The 72h website contains information about how you can identify information influence activities.

If you need immediate assistance, contact the East Uusimaa Social and Crisis Emergency Service. Tel. 019 5600 150.

How can I support an anxious child or youth?

A regular daily life is the most important part of a child’s sense of safety. You can tell your child that ‘’I can see that you might be scared’’, and remind them that ‘’you are ok, you are safe.’’ Children should not be subjected to disturbing visuals on the news or worrying parents. Conversations between parents about the state of the world should be kept out of earshot of children.

Children need help from adults in identifying and verbalizing difficult feelings. Children naturally process things by drawing and playing. It is good to encourage these activities. You can also read together with the child. The libraries in Porvoo offer a big variety of things to read for children of all ages.

Porvoo Youth Services offer safe meeting places for youths and supports the overall wellbeing of young people.

I would like to help, but how?

There are many associations and communities in the Porvoo area whose activities you can join to help build a good and safe everyday life.

For example, the Voluntary Rescue Service, Vapepa, is a network of volunteer helpers made up of over 50 different organisations. Vapepa’s emergency teams support the authorities in accidents and other crises. Through Vapepa, you can participate and get educated, for example, in first aid, emotional support, terrain search, food supply, oil spill response and maritime search and rescue.

Do you have a question or feedback? Want to notify the city about an issue?

In ePorvoo service you can contact the city experts in safety and preparedness via a contact form. First, choose to leave feedback anonymously or log in if you want to get a response to your contact. Then, select Safety and emergency planning as the subject of your feedback.

Useful links with information in English

Useful links with information in Finnish and Swedish

More information

Minna Ruolanto

Head of preparedness and risk management